This library contains over 200 articles and resources relevant to tribal child welfare, gathered from a wide variety of sources.
It also includes all of the products developed by the Capacity Building Center for Tribes that you see featured on this website. We hope you find what you need!
Materials here not created by the Capacity Building Center for Tribes are for reference and not necessarily endorsed by the Children’s Bureau.
This guide reflects the lessons learned during the Seventh Generation National Tribal Mentoring Program; a project that used culturally specific mentoring to guide court-involved and at-risk America Indian and Alaska youth (ages 10-17) toward healthy lifestyle...
In order to address the high prevalence of children’s exposure to violence, eight sites around the country were selected by the Department of Justice for the Defending Childhood Demonstration Program. This national initiative aims to: prevent children’s exposure to...
Developed in May, 2015 by the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, this worksheet offers a template of several detailed questions that tribal communities can consider when working toward the development of a trafficking plan.
This guide provides an overview on how to establish effective tribal governance and the role of tribal leadership in tribal child welfare systems. This includes information on: heritage of child protection; breakdown of customary child protections; removal of AI/AN...
This practice brief provides an overview of WPIC’s framework for achieving sustainable systems change, which emerged from and has been demonstrated through the three child welfare implementation projects. The five key elements that make up the framework inform...
This executive summary highlights work done by the National Child Welfare Resource Center for Tribes (NRC4Tribes) – in collaboration with the Children’s Bureau – on a comprehensive Technical Assistance Needs Assessment. Through a mixed-method design,...
The National Child Welfare Resource Center for Tribes (NRC4Tribes) – in collaboration with the Children’s Bureau – conducted a comprehensive Technical Assistance Needs Assessment. Through a mixed-method design, this work included an online needs...
Developed for Tribal Child Welfare Middle Managers, Willie Wolf facilitates a discussion about building Tribal collaborations – challenges, strategies, implications and best practices. He also covers the Systems of Care Collaboration Model.