Indian Country is regularly portrayed by Hollywood as having romantic, ecological, and stoic characterizations of life. In reality, Tribal people have suffered generations of abuse and exploitation and continue to endure many of the highest rates of victimization and substance abuse in the country. This recorded webinar illustrates how community awareness and Tribal support are vital to combat human trafficking in Indian Country. Case study examples are used to assist multidisciplinary team members in assessing resource strengths and needs as well as investigation challenges that present themselves in trafficking cases. 1. Viewers will learn who is an “Indian” and what is “Indian Country.” 2. Viewers will learn how a child abuse case in Indian Country can differ from a non Indian case. 3. Viewers will be given recommendations regarding outreach and sustainability of a Tribal community partnership. 4. Viewers will gain a better perspective of Tribal resources and traditional healing methods.
Resource Link: Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in Indian Country
Date: Hosted Wednesday, January 9th, 2017