
Creating a comprehensive response to the trafficking of children will require the collaboration of a number of agencies, service providers, and community members.

Getting Started
1. Who from your agency wants and needs to be involved?
2. Who is already addressing trafficking in your community?
3. Are there initiatives that have been specifically created to serve children who are at-risk or who have been trafficked?
4. Who do you need to contact to get the conversation started?



Potential Partners to Include

Tribal leaders
Domestic violence and sexual assault advocates
Prosecutors and attorneys
Health care professionals (including mental health)
After school programs
Benefits providers
State partners
Community members
Judges/Court administrators
Law enforcement
Casinos and hotels
Other local businesses and organizations

Cases of Trafficking in Hotels and Motels

FireKeepers Casino & Human Trafficking
Awareness Program

Efforts being taken to combat trafficking in the casino and hotel: training, collaboration, and reporting.

Resources for Courts, Attorneys, and Criminal Justice System Partners

Learn More


This Resource Book is intended to provide Tribal Coalitions and tribal advocates with basic information in sex trafficking as it impacts Native people and to provide access to direct services that may assist victims/survivors of sex trafficking. This resource contains a 900+ page victim/survivor services directors that is organized by state. Only the states with a Tribal Coalition are represented in this directory. (2016)


The Nevada Coalition to Prevent the Commercial Exploitation of Children, established in 2016, brought together a number of stakeholders and representatives from the Washoe Tribe of Nevada to develop a response to the trafficking of children. This model protocol and toolkit provides guidance for implementing a coordinated response to identify and respond to the sex trafficking of children.

Interagency Collaboration to Address Human Trafficking – ACF Podcast
The growing emphasis on recognizing, addressing, and preventing human trafficking is an emerging issue challenging many government and human service agencies. Child welfare is especially affected because children and youth placed in out-of-home care due to abuse and neglect, along with runaway and homeless youth, are at high risk of trafficking.

Effectively addressing human trafficking requires agencies to collaborate on providing judicial, therapeutic, and prevention services. This podcast episode features the Miami CARES project. Funded through a Children’s Bureau grant, the Miami CARES project brings more than 10 government and community agencies within Miami-Dade (FL) County together to forge a collaborative, systemic approach to identifying minors who are, or are at risk of becoming, victims of human trafficking.

The discussion covers how the project identifies victims; provides therapeutic services; brings juvenile justice agencies, the State’s attorney office, and public defenders together for a common cause; and sustains communication and collaboration between agencies.

A Multidisciplinary Approach to the Domestic Sex Trafficking of Girls

This report makes the case for developing multidisciplinary task forces to combat the domestic sex trafficking of girls. The report offers guidance around identifying partners, building a team, and implementing an anti-trafficking action plan. The second half of the report describes how three jurisdictions have created a multidisciplinary response to the sex trafficking of children, each from a different system perspective: in Suffolk County, Massachusetts, by a child advocacy center; in Los Angeles County, by the juvenile justice system; and in Connecticut, by the child welfare system.

Webinar on responses developed by state jurisdictions
This free peer-to-peer webinar on child welfare system responses to the trafficking of children and youth was organized by the National Resource Center for Permanency and Family Connections for the National Association of State Foster Care Managers. The webinar opened with an introduction to the topic by Taffy Compain, National Foster Care Specialist at the Capacity Building Division of the Children’s Bureau. Next, the webinar featured presentations from New York and Tennessee, which addressed child welfare system responses to trafficking in those States. New York’s presentation provided information regarding the State of New York’s definition of trafficking, relevant State law, and the intersection between child welfare and trafficking. Presenters from New York discussed child welfare system protocol for responding to trafficking, Office of Children and Family Services efforts to address trafficking, and the Safe Harbor Project. Tennessee’s presentation focused on the collaborative process employed to develop the Tennessee Department of Human Services Comprehensive Plan for the Delivery of Services to Human Sex Trafficking Victims. The presentation also shared the Department of Children’s Services (DCS) and Department of Human Services (DHS) approaches for ensuring comprehensive services are provided to children, youth, individuals and families. Presenters from each State discussed lessons learned, challenges, possible solutions, and recommendations. (Author abstract)

Human Trafficking Task Force E-Guide
Confronting Commercial Sexual Exploitation and Sex Trafficking of Minors in the United States (Institute of Medicine and National Research Council)
This report offers recommendations concerning strategies for responding to the commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking of minors in the United States, new legislative approaches, and a research agenda.
