“The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) has announced the publication of its 2016 Model Indian Juvenile Code. Since 2012, OJJDP worked with BIA’s Office of Justice Services Tribal Justice Support Directorate to update the 1988 Model Indian Juvenile Code. During development of the code, OJJDP worked with the Departments of Interior and Health and Human Services to gather information through listening sessions and tribal consultations. This final update serves as a framework to help federally recognized tribes interested in creating or enhancing their own codes to focus on juvenile issues, specifically alcohol- and/or drug-related offenses in Indian Country. The 2016 model code encourages the use of alternatives to detention and confinement while focusing on community-based multi-disciplinary responses to juvenile delinquency, truancy, and child-in-need services.”

Author: BIA
Date: 2016