Making the Most of Your Data: Information Interpretation

Making the Most of Your Data: Information Interpretation

Tribal child welfare programs collect a lot of data for many different reasons. Often these reasons are externally driven, like federal reporting or grant requirements. However, one of the most important uses for data is program improvement and to tell the program’s...

Tulalip Tribes of Washington: Wellness Court & Elders Panel

A video from the National American Indian Court Judges Association. “This project was supported by Grant No. 2016-IC-BX-K003 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Department of Justice’s Office of...


A podcast from the National American Indian Court Judges Association. “This project was supported by Grant No. 2016-IC-BX-K003 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The Bureau of Justice Assistance is a component of the Department of Justice’s Office of...
Active Efforts Resource List

Active Efforts Resource List

A legal requirement included in the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), Active Efforts are essential for casework that supports tribal children and families. Designed to keep families together, Active Efforts outline the actions caseworkers must take to avoid removals or...

Engaging and Involving Youth

A list of resources for child welfare professionals to learn about engaging youth in authentic and effective ways. Child Welfare Information Gateway. Resource Link:...

Youth Engagement Blueprint (YEB) Series

A six-part series from the Center for States encouraging child welfare agencies to build capacity and better engage current and former foster youth and integrate their voices at all organizational levels. Resource Link:...