Article by Shanna Knight, Victoria Sweet, and David Simmons featuring ways states and tribes can work together to improve ICWA best practice. Suggestions include: finding qualified expert witnesses (QEW), coordinating around key case activities and sharing...
“How one Iowan’s view of the Indian Child Welfare Act changed after losing her child to the system, as told as the Des Moines Storytellers Project’s “On Second Thought” on June 18, 2019.” Resource Link:...
“AdoptUSKids worked with tribal consultants to provide this information to help you, as a tribal child welfare administrator, ground resource family support efforts in tribal culture and have tribal values, language, traditions, and teachings guide your work...
“AdoptUSKids worked with tribal consultants to provide the information contained in this tip sheet to help you, as a tribal child welfare administrator, support resource families acting as extended family to a child’s birth family. Topics covered include: What...