Qualified Expert Witness Resource List

Qualified Expert Witness Resource List

All Indian children deserve a strong, protective circle of caring adults to ensure they are loved, safe, and connected to their community, tribe, and culture. ICWA recognizes how important those connections are while also ensuring the continued existence of tribal...
ICWA Active Efforts as Prevention Webinar

ICWA Active Efforts as Prevention Webinar

Working Together for Better Outcomes Active efforts, a legal requirement included in the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), is the gold standard of child welfare practice. Designed to keep families together, active efforts outline the actions caseworkers must take to...
Secondary traumatic stress Webinar

Secondary traumatic stress Webinar

Tribal child welfare staff are exposed to the traumas of others on a regular basis and are at increased risk to experience symptoms of secondary traumatic stress. This webinar discussed the personal, professional, and organizational impacts of secondary traumatic...

Simply Smiles Children’s Village

Learn about “a first-of-its-kind intentional community of native foster families serving the children most at-risk on the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe reservation in South Dakota.” Resource Link:...

Results from the National Child Welfare Information Study, 2020

“The final report summarizes study findings and offers insights into the information habits of child welfare professionals who work in state and local child welfare agencies, with tribes, and in courts, and highlights how technology is informing their practice....

American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research

This volume includes the following research articles: Native Transformations in the Pacific Northwest: A strength-based model of protection against substance use disorder Partnering with American Indian communities in strength-based collaborative health research:...

Understanding Adverse Childhood Experiences: Hope in Resiliency

“We created this hour-long webinar because the effects of childhood trauma play out both personally for individuals, but also, have tremendous costs for society.  There is much that society needs to acknowledge about the inequitable experiences of our...