Professional Quality of Life Measure

Compassion Satisfaction and Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, Secondary Traumatic Stress, Vicarious Traumatization, and Vicarious Transformation “The ProQOL is the most commonly used measure of the negative and positive affects of helping others who experience...

Artic Scale: Attitudes Related to Trauma-Informed Care

“Organizations and schools understand that valid data is critical to advancing trauma-informed care (TIC) in their settings and demonstrating success. That’s why the Traumatic Stress Institute co-developed the ARTIC Scale, a psychometrically valid measure of...

Capacitar Emergency Response Tool Kit

Tools for well-being”The health of body, mind and emotions is continuously affected by trauma, violence, weather, diet, environment, daily news, and the challenges of life. The use of simple ancient healing skills can empower us to live with peace and wellbeing...

Decolonizing the Mind

“Dr. Michael Yellow Bird speaks at Portland State University, “Healing through neurodecolonization and mindfulness”. Indigenous scholar and activist, citizen of the Arikara (Sahniish) and Hidatsa Nations in North Dakota. Dr. Yellow Birds activism...

Qualified Expert Witness (QEW) Training

The Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Act | Presented by Robert McEwen, J.D. Staff Attorney, Child Welfare Program Nebraska Appleseed and Jill Holt, ICWA Program Coordinator. Resource Link:...