ICWA Snapshot: A Pilot Review of ICWA Practice in Oklahoma

“The Oklahoma Department of Human Services (DHS), in partnership with Casey Family Programs, conducted this pilot project to identify practice trends related to compliance with the federal and Oklahoma Indian Child Welfare acts. The Indian Child Welfare Act...

Leadership and Communicationsin Indian Country

“This four page report outlines the key findings from interviews with 5 tribal leaders and tribal communications officers across the country. The conversations focused on exploring how communications helps in their daily work, how the communications playing...

Working Together for Our Common Benefit

“On November 14, 2012, 45 people gathered in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at the NCAI’s Annual Convention to participate in the pre-session: “Native Organizations; Working Together for Our Common Benefit.” This twelve page report outlines the key...

ICWA Baseline Measures REPORT

“The ICWA Baseline Measures Project is an effort to build Court Improvement Programs (CIPs) capacity to better measure ICWA application in state court practice. The purpose of the ICWA Baseline Measures Project (ICWA BMP) is to build the capacity of CIPs to...

Tribal-State Court forums: An Annotated Director

“This directory includes a detailed listing of the 13 currently operational Tribal -State Court forums around the nation. These forums provide unique collaboration opportunities across jurisdictions and have led to such positive outcomes as: agreements on the...