Tribal Home Studies: The Basics and Beyond Webinar

Tribal Home Studies: The Basics and Beyond Webinar

Conducting a home study with families who wish to serve as resource homes for tribal children is an important part of the child welfare process and a skill that is developed over time with practice. This webinar provides an in-depth overview of how to conduct a...

icwa advocacy

This guide from NICWA is part of their Tribal Leadership Series. “This document is meant to be guide for tribal leaders on the basic requirements of ICWA, why ICWAadvocacy is important today, different elements of ICWA advocacy, and tools and strategies to...

Funding Child Welfare Services

This guide from NICWA is part of their Tribal Leadership Series and provides information for tribal leaders on funding their child welfare services in a way that aligns with their community values. Resource Link:...

Home Study Guide: The Basics and Beyond

Conducting a home study with families who wish to serve as resource homes for tribal children is an important part of the child welfare process and a skill that is developed over time with practice. Kendra Lowden with Ghost Thunder Consulting shares the information...
Trauma-Informed Visitation in Child Welfare

Trauma-Informed Visitation in Child Welfare

Youth have a fundamental right to their families. A caseworker can help facilitate a safe and supportive environment during visitation by recognizing interactions and behaviors that are trauma reactions to the removal experience and by responding with trauma-informed...
Trauma-Informed Language in Tribal Child Welfare Documentation

Trauma-Informed Language in Tribal Child Welfare Documentation

Documentation is the case road map for each youth and family that is served by a tribal child welfare program and it begins the moment safety concerns are brought to the attention of the agency. When documentation is trauma-informed and responsive to the individual...