Family Assessment

Mother Earth shows us the nature of the four seasons each year: Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. As we work with families, communities, and organizations, we must first learn about ourselves. Life is like a circle that cycles one season into another. We have come 500 years through a bitter winter. Now in the seventh generation, we look forward to a new season. We have persevered and preserved our traditions, ceremonies, ancestral values and healing ways that have existed for thousands of years. We have practiced meditation and mindfulness. We have kept alive our culture in our families, extended families and our non-blood relatives. 

<a href=""><div class="box"><p><img src="" alt="" /></p><h3 class="mendo-links">Self-Understanding</h4><div class="overbox"><p><div class="title overtext"><p class="mendo-links-title">Winter</p></div><div class="tagline overtext"><p class="mendo-links-description">We turn north with our winter wisdom of Elders, teachers, knowledge, self-knowledge, and know who we are not.</p><p class="mendo-links-read-more">+ View Our Resources on Self-Understanding</p></div></div></div></a><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->
<a href=""><div class="box"><p><img src="" alt="" /></p><h3 class="mendo-links">Organizations</h4><div class="overbox"><div class="title overtext"><p class="mendo-links-title">Fall</p></div><div class="tagline overtext"><p class="mendo-links-description">In Fall, we turn west integrating our strengths as adults. As adults, we know lifelong learning is part of the journey. We build on life lessons.</p><p class="mendo-links-read-more">+ Visit Our Resources on Organizations</p></div></div></div></a><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->
<a href=""><div class="box"><p><img src="" alt="" /></p><h3 class="mendo-links">Families</h4><div class="overbox"><div class="title overtext"><p class="mendo-links-title">Spring</p></div><div class="tagline overtext"><p class="mendo-links-description">As we turn east to the child, Spring brings birth and rebirth into our families as we heal from historical trauma.</p><p class="mendo-links-read-more">+ Visit Our Resources on Families</p></div></div></div></a><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->
<a href=""><div class="box"><p><img src="" alt="" /></p><h3 class="mendo-links">Assessment</h4><div class="overbox"><div class="title overtext"><p class="mendo-links-title">Summer</p></div><div class="tagline overtext"><p class="mendo-links-description">In Summer, we turn south with our youth, our healer and a strong inner spirit. With physical health, we have a renewed life and destiny.</p><p class="mendo-links-read-more">+ Visit Our Resources on Assessment Tools</p></div></div></div></a><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] -->