Resource Library

This library contains over 200 articles and resources relevant to tribal child welfare, gathered from a wide variety of sources. It also includes all of the products developed by the Capacity Building Center for Tribes that you see featured on this website. We hope you find what you need!

Materials here not created by the Capacity Building Center for Tribes are for reference and not necessarily endorsed by the Children’s Bureau.

Alaska Resilience Initiative

The Alaska Resilience Initiative promotes healthy communities and works to end child maltreatment. Leaders of this initiative hosted a 2016 gathering to ensure Alaska Native voices were heard. Participants provided recommendations on how to make existing...

Children Exposed to Violence

From the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, this webinar shares information on ACEs and highlights evidence based and promising practices for working with children exposed to violence. Traditional and community-based efforts to address the problem are...

ACEs Connection

This website provides a wealth of accessible information related to ACEs. They also have a free network with various community groups, including one with a shared goal of reducing ACEs in Native communities. The handout on Growing Resilient Communities 2.0 provides...

How To Prepare For A Family Assessment

For those working with families, every assessment can have a powerful impact on a person’s life. It is important to be self-aware, intentional about engaging with families, and to use the information collected to make informed decisions. This two-page resource offers...