Overview of AFCARS Data Quality and Compliance

Overview of AFCARS Data Quality and Compliance

Frequently asked questions and lessons learned from the Children’s Bureau AFCARS Technical Assistance team. Resource Link: http://tribalinformationexchange.org/files/products/cbctafcarsdataqualityandcompliance.pdf Date: September...
Introduction to AFCARS for Tribal Child Welfare Programs

Introduction to AFCARS for Tribal Child Welfare Programs

An overview of the Adoption and Foster Care Analysis and Reporting System (AFCARS) and data reporting requirements for title IV-E agencies. Resource Link: https://tribalinformationexchange.org/files/products/cbctintroductiontoafcars.pdf? Author: Capacity Building...
Federal AFCARS Resource List

Federal AFCARS Resource List

A comprehensive, categorized list of resources related to AFCARS to support tribal child welfare programs. Resource Link: https://tribalinformationexchange.org/files/products/cbctafcarsresourcelist.pdf Author: Capacity Building Center for Tribes and Children's Bureau...
An Introduction to Tribal Title IV-E E-Learning

An Introduction to Tribal Title IV-E E-Learning

This e-learning was developed to provide an overview of title IV-E for tribal child welfare programs to build knowledge and determine how this funding source fits into their program. Staff from all positions within a tribal child welfare program need to have a basic...
Tribal Title IV-E Workbook: A Planning Guide for Project Managers

Tribal Title IV-E Workbook: A Planning Guide for Project Managers

The Capacity Building Center for Tribes developed the Tribal Title IV-E Workbook: A Planning Guide for Project Managers to assist tribes in planning for title IV-E. The workbook sections correspond to each section of the title IV-E pre-print and can be customized to...
Understanding and Overcoming Bias (e-learning)

Understanding and Overcoming Bias (e-learning)

Every assessment with a family can change the course of someone’s life. It is important to be self-aware, intentional about engaging with families, and to use the information to make decisions. Understanding bias is a step in the process of ensuring that family...