Resource Library

This library contains over 200 articles and resources relevant to tribal child welfare, gathered from a wide variety of sources. It also includes all of the products developed by the Capacity Building Center for Tribes that you see featured on this website. We hope you find what you need!

Materials here not created by the Capacity Building Center for Tribes are for reference and not necessarily endorsed by the Children’s Bureau.

Practice Mapping

Use this tool to learn how to apply a business process mapping technique to tribal child welfare practice. Why use process mapping? Mapping your child welfare practice can help your program identify gaps in service and inform needed policy and procedure...

Navigating Rough Waters: Lessons Learned & Challenges to Avoid When Planning a Tribal Child Welfare Data System

When programs journey through the river of data, knowing how to navigate rough waters and overcome challenges can make a tremendous difference. This one-page resource offers suggestions on how to stay on course when planning and implementing a data system.